The Magic of Touch Worth Having

Dear People of the Page,
Touch worth having is a real thing.
Knowing how we want to be touched, and being offered touch worth having to open ourselves to desire.
Running programs that support this mission is not a simple thing. In the ten years that I was a client of hands on touch practices, I kissed a lot of frogs (so to speak). I learned what women and couples really need. I also found that finding the right practitioners was a process. It was not about just looking pretty or having the right credentials after their name.
It's a kind of magic that a practitioner brings to the table that makes the touch worth having.
After twelve years, we have distilled what that magic is and how to deliver this incredibly delicious, healing, and playful service to our community. There is a reason that our clients have an over 90 percent return rate. It's the magic of touch worth having.
I want to tickle you and let you know what is coming and what is available for the rest of 2023. There's not a lot left for this year, and to be honest with you, we've already started selling out 2024 faster than we can plan it. Again, the magic of touch worth having -- the VALUE of touch worth having. We have only four spots left at our June double trouble retreat in Colorado -- we're talking special guests, the entire all star staff, cowboys, campfires, cake, and more! Then we have our autumnal experience in October, The Opening at Easton Mountain in New York -- one of our only east coast retreats, and a perfect opportunity to begin this work if a full retreat has felt a little intimidating -- we've got a good amount of open spots for this shorter format retreat. And then our last bit of spots (only 5 left!!) for 2023 is in November at our phenomenal retreat center in Mexico -- Rituals is everything you expect from a Back to the Body Retreat plus transformative rituals led by an indigenous shaman that push us deeper into our bodies and minds. Our private retreats for women and couples have a handful of availability this summer and fall. If you are interested in a private women's immersion or a couple's immersion --- please email me to set up a time to talk and schedule. We sell out fast.
Not sure where to begin? Schedule an exploratory call with a member of our team. Buy our course. It's time to have touch worth having and learning how to give it too. Want to stick your toe in the water? Join us at The Opening in October. You will learn so much!
This is my invitation to all the things! Our 2024 schedule will be up in the fall --- we have so many exciting opportunities.
Welcome to our incredible playground where exploration, learning and healing PLUS FUN are all included.
If you love me here, wait til we meet in person with my incredible rock star EXPERIENCED team.
I know there is something here for you.
Loving you from here, Pamela Madsen